Timeframe: Once we get your info, we’re usually able to make you a fair all-cash offer within 24 hours. From there, we can close as quickly as 7 days… or on your schedule (sometimes we can have a check in your hand the very same day!).
Brady Buys Homes buys houses in and around Bryan-College Station (and other areas too!). We’re not listing your house… we’re actually the ones buying your house. Because we pay cash, we’re able to close quickly… or on your schedule. Like we’ve mentioned, when you work with us there are no fees… like there are when you list your house with an agent. What this means to you is you don’t have to worry about extra costs, having to come out of pocket to sell your house fast, or even getting your house ready for a sale (we’ll buy your house as-is).
Don’t worry about repairing or cleaning up your property. We’ll buy your house in as-is condition… no matter how ugly or pretty it is… no matter the location.
Thank you!
We will be in touch by phone and/or text very soon. If it is not a convenient time to speak when we call, please text back so we know the best time to call.
Brady & Amanda Brittain live and raise their family in Bryan/College Station. You can find them volunteering at local organizations including The Bridge Ministries, Faithful to the Fatherless, Grace Bible Church and others. Brady & Amanda have 5 children and have lived in B/CS for over 27 years.
Brady & Amanda seek to treat others fairly and honestly in all they do. Brady can be reached at (979) 412-0022.
"It was so easy and John and Brady were great to work with!"
Derek in College Station
"I would have lost my home to foreclosure if Brady had not bought my house. I’m so glad I called!"
Ralph in Bryan, TX
"They worked with me on moving out and I was able to get some money in my pocket too. Otherwise the bank would have gotten everything."
Doug in Bryan, TX
We are a real estate solutions and investment firm that specializes in helping homeowners get rid of burdensome houses fast. We are investors and problem solvers who can buy your house fast with a fair all cash offer. One of our investment partners is also a licensed real estate Broker in Texas.
Copyright Brady Buys Homes